What does this do?
You can use this calculator to determine the number of amalgamators that are obtainable depending on how much, and when you fuel.
Since each Gator grants up to 1.5x attack along with a 40x health boost, it can be beneficial to get as many as are easily obtainable.
How do I use this?
Simply enter your stats or paste your save file to fill in the left-hand side of the screen. The right side results will automatically be calculated.
The most important value will likely be the Max number of Amals you can get in a run.
What do the numbers to the right of the DG levels mean?
The numbers represent the efficiency of the next DG purchase. A higher number means you should purchase that upgrade first. This calculation uses your current run stats to
determine how much MI is gained per run in order to determine how many runs are needed to afford each upgrade, and how much MI is lost through decay in the process. It then considers
how much population gain each upgrade is worth on a push run (where population is fully utilized) and determines a Population gain per MI spent value for each upgrade. Results are
finally each divided by the value of the Efficiency value for a normalized result.
What does the table below the Results table mean?
This table lists how many coordinations you would have to hold off buying in order to squeeze out an extra Amalgamator.
So if the upper table told you to expect hitting 5 Amals at zone 501, it may be possible to keep your population:army ratio lower by withholding coordinations in order to get a 6th gator in the 501-600 range, or in the 600+ range.
Keep in mind that this uses the "#Spires Cleared" value to determine if the needed ratio decreases after each spire.
What do the buttons in the middle column do?
These buttons are used to determine when it is optimal to fuel. They each provide sightly different bits of information that you can tailor your fueling preferences to.
The "Optimize" button will take the number of zones to fuel currently shown, and figure out the best starting zone to fuel in order to maximize population.
The "Minimize" button will try to determine the fewest number of zones you'd need to fuel for in order to get the maximum number of Amalgamators possible, thus maximizing MI gains.
The "Minimize - 1" button will do the same thing,
but with getting 1 less Gator. This can be useful if you'd need to fuel for an entire run in order to get your Max number of gators, and you'd rather keep the MI gains.
The "Minimize at Zone" button will attempt to minimize, while ensuring you get your last Amalgamator by the specified zone. This is useful if you normally wouldn't get your final Gator until late in your run otherwise, as you will
get the benefit of the extra Gator earlier.
The "Minimize Capacity" button also adjusts your capacity value to minimize number of zones to fuel. You'll need to use the in-game capacity slider to adjust to the recommended value.
The "Force Gator At Zone" button will determine how many coordinations you'd need to withhold from buying in order to get an extra gator on the zone specified. This will update the row of the corresponding zone in the table below the
results table, but won't change anything else.
The "Coords Withheld" option allows you to set a certain number of coordination upgrades to refrain from buying, in order to get an extra amalgamator earlier or with less fueling than otherwise would be possible.
The "Withhold Coords Zone/Goal" option allows you to specify a certain zone to stop buying coordinations in order to reach the chosen goal number of amalgamators. These last two options can only be used separately, not together. This will
also update the "Zones Withheld" result with the number of zones you have to hold off on buying coordinations, and therefore the number of coordinations behind you will be.
Finally, the "Use 5 zone breakpoints" tick will calculate updates to your Amalgamators only after every 5th zone when they would die from an Omnipotrimp explosion. Without this option
checked, most of the time new Amalgamators will show up on the zone after a spire, due to the ratio needed decreasing. However, as Gators are only updated on trimp death, if you survive after beating a spire for the next 5 zones (which
you are likely to do if you're strong enough to have beaten it), then you would get 5 more coordination upgrades before your next death, which will increase your army size, and therefore the needed population for your next Gator, possibly
pushing it beyond the population you've amassed.
What assumptions are being made?
This calculator assumes no population before you begin fueling. The population received before your first DG tick is inconsequential to your total population, and won't affect the results shown for the intended users of this page.
The calculator assumes exactly 2.97 tauntimps received per zone, or 3.366 with the Randimp mastery. This averages out to the expected value, but it is possible to have good/bad luck with tauntimps, and have your population thrive/suffer accordingly.
The calculator assumes all DG ticks made are overclocks. This slightly affects the final results, especially for those with lower overclocker levels, as those non-OC ticks will be stronger that OC ticks, and happen earlier, therefore
benefitting more from tauntimp compounding. However, the differences are still small, and largely unnoticable for fueling more than a couple of zones.
This calculator assumes all fuel still in the tank after you stop fueling (and therefore stop overclocking) disappears. This causes the calculator to underestimate your total population by a bit, especially for fueling a smaller number
of zones. This can be useful, as it provides a small cushion of extra pop to help ensure you get all the Gators you expect, even with poor tauntimp luck. However, with higher capacity values, it may determine that you need to fuel for longer
in order to begin overclocking, in which case it may be best to use the in-game capacity slider to limit your max fuel and adjust the values of the calculator accordingly. Players with very high capacity levels may find the Minimize Capacity
function useful, as this will suggest a setting for the fuel slider in order to maximize MI.
I found an error, what can I do?
Please contact me on reddit (u/Zeralyos) or discord (@Zeraalyos#3692) and I'll look at it right away! Screenshots of your settings are helpful in diagnosing any technical issues.
Is this up to date?
This was last updated on June 17, 2020.